Adventures in Parenting, Wifery, and other questionable pursuits.

27 March 2006

Innauguration Day.

Alright. Lucas is asleep. Dr. Phil isn't on for another fifteen minutes. And I appear to have finally gotten my shit together enough to start a blog.

When I hear from friends after a long time away (especially grad school friends, God bless 'em), the conversation inevitably turns to my writing. More specifically, "So, how's your writing going?" Variations on this include, but are not limited to, "What have you been writing?" "Written anything good lately?" and my personal favorite, "You should send me something new you've written." I usually "forget" to respond to the latter, as the only piece I have that qualifies as "new" is a list of instructions for the babysitter.

But I digress.

Since Lucas was born last June I haven't written anything other than email (and some of you will likely argue I haven't even written that [Sorry.]). The first few days we were home from the hospital I had illusions of grandeur that I would rise an hour before my child each day and sit at the computer with my coffee merrily typing away. Glorious essays on motherhood. Poems to lilt off the tongue. Actually, I did get up one day that first week and write a kind of a poem, although I was so strung-out from sitting up all night watching the baby breathe that the poem, as it were, doesn't make much sense.

Anywho. My intention with this blog is threefold:

Fold numero uno--To create some degree of structure and discipline for my writing life. As I currently have no writing life, I already am showing marked improvement. Gold star.

Fold two--To keep in better touch with friends and family. Yes, I realize in this sense it's like reading a mass-produced Christmas letter, but I've gotta start somewhere at this point. Plus, my 2005 Christmas letters are still sitting here on the desk waiting to be sent out, and seeing as how it's March 2006 already, it doesn't look promising.

And finally--I don't remember what my third point was. I'm sure I had a third point, however, and that it was phenomenal. That said, now my dryer is going off and Lucas stirs in his crib. excellent...the cat is trying to pop a squat in my office.


Anonymous said...

Leave it to me to be the first to post. Since I have nothing of any importance to contribute, I'll just say "good job!" I could say things like "the journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step" or other horse manure like that, but instead I'll just leave it as above, and check back frequently. Also, since I am badly in need of some instruction to help me identify myself (how's that for an identity crisis) I guess I'll remain Anonymous for now.

Alex said...

" "

Anonymous said...

This is great especially for your friends that didn't know you in grad school and really have no idea that writing is your passion. Not only are you hilarious but very elegant and good at what you do.

Anonymous said...

Nene, I feel ya. Between work, gardening, rasing and hatching poultry in my basement (yes you heard me), making wine, boat restoration, Girlfriend, and nigth Grad classes, I tell myself I can wake up earlier then usual in the morning and study before collecting eggs from the shed and going to work. I have to write a 20 page rough draft tonight. It will be crap. You'll do fine, I want first edition of your book when Kinkos publishes it.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blog. Parent hood will give you much material. You will find out that everything you think you know, you don't. And every thing you read and put into practice doesn't quite work. And all the advice given with the best intentions, well...
Still it will provide good material, your experience is your own.
Happy parenting and good writing.

Anonymous said...

So is this going to be prose or an open diary? I am eager to read the next installment.

I already see(read) little glimmers of the Jonene of yester-year. Lost touch with her a while back and it is nice to see she is still around. Shoot, a blog is probably the only way I can keep up with anyone nowadays anyway.

Obligatory words of encouragement:
Good start!
Keep it up!
ah...Get some!

Anonymous said...

Since I'm family, am I obligated to comment? You'll do fine you know. You're a witty, funny, sarcastic woman and I love you for it. I look forward to reading what you write...Me

Anonymous said...

Ha! Jeenie, you still rock.
(But you knew that.)
Great to hear your news, in any form you've got for us. Blog on!

Anonymous said...

ditto, what they said, and all of the above (well, okay, so i'm not raising chickens in my basement. they're rabbits, and they're on the roof.)

write on! phptptptpthhhh*

Ellen said...

I am inspired! I just created my own blog. Of course I haven't written anything yet. I'm actually supposed to be working...